Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by the challenges of life?
You’ve got deadlines at work, you’re feeling exhausted, your kids are having meltdowns, and you feel like you’ve got a handle on things, but then something big happens or you get some bad news, and you feel like you’re spiralling out of control.
The main reason why overwhelm hits is because of a feeling state of: I can’t handle this challenge…it’s too big for me…and I don’t know what to do.
Underneath this is a flooding of many emotions threatening to overtake you, which may include: frustration, anger, fear, sadness, grief, disgust, helplessness, powerlessness, unworthiness, shame, not enough.
You may cycle through trying to meet the challenges, fighting hard to take control, to anxiety and fear of the challenge and your ability to handle it, to then dropping into despair and a feeling hopelessness when you feeling like nothing you do is working.
I know this state all too well.
Having a child with anger challenges, defiance, anxiety, and other special needs, when I try to do everything possible to help him or the situation, and it doesn’t work, then I can go into overwhelm, which then sends me spiralling into the nervous system state of freeze, disconnection and feeling like giving up.
In the video below I talk about my recent experience with serious overwhelm. In fact, I sat in it for 4 days before I could fully get through it.
With 3 major things happening, all at once, I felt significantly challenged, especially since one of these things caused my son to feel quite hurt and has affected our whole family...
...so I was triggered, triggered, triggered!
I cycled through anger, fear, hopelessness and despair. All emotions, when put together, are a recipe for overwhelm.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or tend to get overwhelmed a lot, then I encourage you to watch the video below.
✅ Why we get overwhelmed
✅ The parts of us that get triggered
✅ The many emotions taking us over when overwhelm hits
✅ What happens with your nervous system that sends you into numb, shut, down, despair
✅ How to help your overwhelm so you can feel like you can handle the challenges life presents
And ***vulnerability alert*** — I cry in this video. Because I was still in the thick of it, processing it all, and I am human.
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