3 Shifts That Make Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child Easier

May 11, 2020

“NO!” is the word you often hear from your strong-willed child. Often accompanied by tantrums, meltdowns and even physical aggression, these children just won’t let go until they get what they want.


As parents we often call these children “difficult, hard, defiant and rebellious” causing these children to further live into these descriptions we label them with.


As a parent with a strong-willed child, I know first hand it is not easy raising a kid of this nature. I also know that if I didn’t find a new way to raise this kid, I would continue to suffer and our relationship would soon become one filled with disconnection, mistrust and seething resentment.


The hardest parts of parenting a strong-willed child is changing how you perceive your child and not reacting to their constant demands. But if we can understand the underlying factors that cause our kids to dig their heels in and fight, then perhaps we can shift into a place where we can actually see the positive qualities of these children and have the confidence to raise these kids with more curiosity, calm and compassion.


Understanding a strong-willed child


Parenting feels so much harder when our children are not compliant and obedient. Yet we are seeing more and more kids pushing against the old paradigms of authoritarian parenting, and fighting for more control and freedom to be who they want to be, in every moment!


Strong-willed children, although on the surface seem defiant and non-compliant, and may seem like they are engaging in behaviors on purpose, are actually just trying to get you to accept them for who they truly are – a child who needs to feel more in control, express their own intrinsic power, be more in charge of themselves, and maintain their integrity.


This is the AUTHENTIC needof a strong-willed child.


Going a little deeper, why will a strong-willed child go to the lengths they do to get what they want and need?


Because deep down, underneath the nature of their personalities, lies a deeper need – to feel SAFE.


The automatic nervous system reaction of a strong-willed child


Every human has a nervous system that craves predictability, clarity and choice to feel safe. Our nervous system needs to know how, what and why in order to come into safety. We also need co-regulation (connection with other humans and animals) to help us feel safe – this is especially true for children. We need these cues of safety to help our bodies relax, trust, and be willing to comply and do things that make our nervous systems uncomfortable.


Every human also has a nervous system that automatically reads the surrounding environment for cues of danger and safety. When our bodies sense something that feels unsafe, we go into Fight, Flight, or Freeze mode. When our bodies sense safety, we go into Social Engagement mode and are more willing to engage with others, listen to others and feel comfortable enough to follow another person’s suggestions.


Our bodies (nervous system) reacts automatically to the environment and sends this messaging up to our brain, causing us to create a story of the threat and react.


Since strong-willed children go into “Fight” mode easily, we can say their nervous systems’ scanning system is more heightened to read the environment for cues of danger. These kids are just way more sensitive to anything that feels like a threat to their system – and they are not doing this on purpose – a lot of it happens automatically.


Strong-willed children, at the core of it, have nervous systems that do not feel as safe as the more typical child.


A parent’s nervous system in the face of a strong-willed child


The unpleasant part of parenting comes when, in the face of our dysregulated child’s automatic fight response, our own nervous system senses a threat and reacts back with it’s own automatic fight response, causing the interaction to lead to an explosion.


Parents – it is not your fault! Your nervous system detects your child as a threat to safety. It’s also not your child’s fault – he or she has a nervous system wired to react to the smallest threat to safety.


But, if we can notice this automatic reaction taking place, then we can use tools to calm our nervous systems, and that of our child’s, and help us all get back to safety, where the higher thinking brain comes back online and can make healthier choices of how to handle the challenging moments.


3 ways to bring everyone back to safety, and co-regulate with your strong-willed child


The reality of this human body we live in, with a nervous system that automatically reacts to perceived threats, is we need to help it to get back to safety first before we can help our child to co-regulate with us and get to safety, and hence better behaviors.


Here are 3 ways to help you and your child get back to safety:


1. Use your breath


Breath is the easiest tool to hack into the automatic nervous system reaction and bring it back to safety. Breathing to activate your Vagus nerve (the calming nerve that signals relaxation and “presses the safety button”) involves breathing into your belly and releasing a longer, slower out-breath. Breathing in this way, when in reactive mode, helps to train your nervous system to feel safe in the face of the perceived threat (your child!).


You can also practice breathing in the “nervous system zone of safety” with Unyte’s iom2 device, which has biofeedback capabilities, reading your nervous system in real time and helping you learn how to breath to regulate your heart rate and hence your nervous system. Kids can use this tool too, so it’s great for the whole family to learn to calm your bodies.


Once your nervous system is back in a place of calm, your child will read cues from your nervous system, and take those in and start to calm as well. This is the essence of co-regulation that all kids feed off of when parents are in a calm place. From here you can start to connect again and problem solve together.


2. Speak less, with a soft tone of voice


There is nothing that activates a strong-willed child more than a parent who, in the face of any defiance, starts to talk louder and faster.


When children are in the Fight zone, their bodies automatically shut down their ability to hear you or understand you. Their higher thinking brain goes offline and they are in their primitive, reflexive brain now. All they can understand at this point are the cues from your angry face and the aggressive energy you are spewing out at them. This causes them to feel even more unsafe and the reaction heightens and even explodes.


In these heated moments, it’s important to stay quiet at first and start to shift your breathing and come back into the energy of connection and compassion.


In addition, the Vagus (calming) nerve innervates our ears, and when our nervous system hears a soft tone of voice that is melodic and prosodic, it starts to feel safe and can come down from the ledge of Fight and back into the zone of Safety.


In my personal experience, even when I’m slightly heightened and breathing to regulate myself in a heated moment, I find that once I start to speak softly in a prosodic tone of voice, my own nervous system begins to calm down even more.


It’s a win-win for both you and your child!


3. Change your face and eyes from a grimace to a soft smile


Children read our faces more than we know. We read others’ faces more than we realize. A person’s face and eyes always gives away how they are truly feeling.


If you’re going to choose between words and body language – in the world of nervous system reactions, body language always wins! And this includes the state of your face and eyes.


Once breathing, try shifting your face from a grimace or frown, to a softness, lifting your cheeks slightly with a soft smile, softening your eyes as well. Just the act of doing this signals calm to our brain, helping us to come back into a compassionate place. This is because the Vagus nerve also innervates our facial muscles. Try it now and see how your feeling state shifts.


Since children read our faces like hawks (especially strong-willed children!), just the slight act of shifting your face to be softer, kinder, smiling and compassionate can signal to your own nervous system and your child’s nervous system that all is safe.


What strong-willed children need more than any child are cues of safety, and this can come from shifting our nervous system state, empowering them to have more control and choice, and accepting the qualities of their strong-willed nature to be their authentic gifts that will help them later in life.


From a place of safety, shifting our mindset about strong-willed children


Learning to shift our nervous system state and helping our child to feel safe can have immense impact on the reactive nature of your child. As we learn to calm ourselves in the face of our children, we mirror to them that they can feel safe in the face of whatever they are perceiving to be a threat.


In addition, if we want to suffer less and enjoy more connection and calm with our children, we can help shift our perceptions of the qualities of our strong-willed child from ones that are limiting to ones that are empowering.


Shifting our mindset of strong-willed children from difficult, defiant and non-compliant to the successful qualities of perseverance, knowing what they need and want, authenticity, with strong integrity can help us parents shift from resentment and fear to acceptance and appreciation and of the gifts our children have to offer us, and this world.


Becoming a resilient parent, raising a confident child


It is no easy task raising a strong-willed child. But, if we can shift our nervous systems to feel safe in the face of our child, and shift our mindset to see our child in a new light, our parenting experience can go from exhaustive and draining to fulfilling and promising.


As a result, we win and our child wins, as we get an easier parenting experience and they get to see themselves in a new light, through our eyes, as children worthy of the nature of their being. In turn, children learn to love and accept all of who they are and become confident to handle the challenges of life!

Raising Your Strong Willed Child Parenting FREE Summit Airs Online May 10th

Join Afshan Tafler and 20+ experts on May 10th to learn tools to help YOU and your sensitive and strong-willed child to create more calm, connection, and THRIVE (vs. just survive!). You will learn how to calm your anger, shift your perceptions of your child, understand the meaning of your child’s behaviors and how to help your child learn to help him/herself. Join here today for FREE: https://rebrand.ly/Afshan-Tafler


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